Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Somewhat like Blanche Dubois....

I have always depended upon the kindness of strangers.

However, I have also depended upon the kindness of good friends.

As Sonic so gently reminded me (as has Pursey, and Piet, and CD, in his own enigmatic way), in my blogging experience, I have depended on the kindness of both;friends, strangers, and strangers whom I have never laid eyes upon, but have become, well, friends.

I have been feeling down of late. But the support of all of the above, as well as some rather kind comments from a group that I will not talk about here (but who, in their own, innocent way, are a tad responsible for my troubles of late),in addition to the first- five- the- rest- to- come -within -the- week episodes of TORCHWOOD have gotten back into a semblance of good spirits.
That, of course, and the many times in the past month that I have actually initiated Protocol 417.

Let us just say that spring has sprung, I am off in the big blue pick-up for some well deserved R and R, and there will be at least five days of Greek "We Are Not White Boys" Havoc with my other should of been brother in the Sunshine State.

Sadly, in order to raise my stealth value above 43, there shall be no photos of Capt.
Jack on Shore Leave.


Anonymous said...

A roadtrip! Woo hoo!! Must have photos. MUST have photos. (To protect the innocent, photos need not contain recognizable likeness of Capt. Jack -- pixelation may be applied.)

Pursey Tuttweiler said...

Wooo, Whoooo, indeed!
I sure wish I was off to the beach, but I am glad you are!!! Have so much fun and remember, throw down like a bunch of wild hyennas!
Big hugs,

Pursey Tuttweiler said...

By the way, don't forget to take your purty colored laterns.

sonicfrog said...

Fine! Just go and have fun without me!!!